Sunday, April 29, 2007

New cashmere in Hungary!

Today, we drove to Vienna with some friends to pick up a new cashmere baby: Libelle vom Offenstall is a half sister to Félix (same mother), she will live with Zita Kachichian, the first cashmere breeder here. If you are interested in this phantastic breed, visit her site:

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The run

This is the run where Félix spends most of his time in good weather. He is in his blue tunnel having a nap, with Ottó sitting next to him keeping an eye on things going on. :o)

Greeting some relatives

These two babies (Blue Sky Fruit and Blue Sky Fantasy Flower) were born at the caviary of Vivienne Fonó. Their mother is One Soul at Brentwood Hotel. Their father is the coronet in the forth picture: with the curest face I have ever seen in a coronet. :o) He is Diamond von Schrick, breeder: Margit Bader, Austria.

The tunnel

Félix seems to be quite a discoverer these days... He did not use his tunnel too much earlier, but it was his favourite sleeping spot today.

More budgies again...

This is the sky blue - white budgie which just "flew in" to the place where I work. I did not want to have any more budgies in addition to my three old standard ones, but he is so nice, calm and tame, that I could not resist. My 3 oldies were very afraid of the smaller stranger first, but there were no problems after a few hours. Although, the three "aristocrats" like keeping the distance...

Friday, April 27, 2007

Félix again: Discovering the tent

This tent was not his favourite last Summer. But today, it was different: he stayed quite long there after running free in the garden. Tastes change, don't they?...

Félix: Where the flowers should be...

Félix found a nice spot in the gardet to have a rest today. The only problem is that it is in the middle of a would be flowerbed. Our only flowerbed in fact... We can not have too many due to the active dogs running around. ...And Félix. :o)

New litter

Rome (Rome in Flames at Brentwood Hotel) has had a litter today: unfortunately, only one tortie-white seltie boar is alive. He looks nice, fahter is Loser (Losing My Religion at Brentwood Hotel).

Merry Shade dies :o(

This afternoon, Merry Shade at Brentwood Hotel, our last chocolate-white cavy died. She was not really so old (born on 07. May 2001, so she was not even 6) , but somehow she has just grown old lately... She has not left any offspring at the Hotel, but she is sadly missed by us all, especially her "room-mate", another of our old ladies: Misty.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Litter F

25. April. 2007: Loser's (Losing My Religion at Brentwood Hotel) first litter was born today. I expect a lot from this tortie-white sheltie boar, so I am very excited about his first babies: one tortie-white texel boar, and one tortie-white texel sow. Mother is Xtra Flame at Brentwood Hotel (Royal Blau Akron - Fome in Flames at Brentwood Hotel). Above: A baby photo of Loser

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Broken Spell at Brentwood Hotel

This young boy comes from the litter below. (Breed: texel, colour: lilac-gold)

Félix and a new froggie in the garden

Félix likes investigating anything new in the garden... He is sure everything belongs to him only. He is busy signing all objects old and new with his chin every time he is out free in the garden. The new frog is no exception...

Litter B, part 2.

Litter B: the three baby bears

This is my recent B-litter, born from Equality at Brentwood Hotel (still living in Moscow), and the German import Arjuna of El Dorado. All three boys look promising, two of them are already with their new owners: "Big Moon" went back to Moscow to Irina (a big thank you to her for Arjuna!!!), and "Burning Down the House" flew to Madrid (Spain) to Ana.

Hi, it's me...

So, this is my first posting... What to say? I am happy enough to be able to start a blog... :o) Those who know me, also know that I am not the best in these "technical" stuff, so let's hope it works.

Anyway, nothing special happened today, so here is the first photo for you (it's me!), which was taken earlier this year in Moscow. At least you have some idea who is behind the Brentwood Hotel cavies.