Sunday, March 9, 2008

Judging in Saint Petersburg (Russia)

I could enjoy a very special weekend in Russia: I was invited to judge at a show in a beautiful city with great history Saint Petersburg. The city is wonderful, the cavies were especially nice (it was an honour to judge them), but the best part was the people again: I could meet some "old" friends (a whole team of breeders from Moscow exhibited!), and meet some enthusiastic, kind and wonderful people, whose hospitability will never be forgotten.

You can read the report of my trip on the Brentwood Hotel site (, click on "Judging".

Here, just a few impressions with a few photos:

Special time: Best of Breed Alpaca, Skinny and Texel (all from: Piki Kvik Caviary)

Two very nice baby sows: Peruvian and Texel (Piki Kvik Caviary):

Judging Baby Class, Texels:

Getting to know an unusual breed: the Baldwin:

Two of my personal favourites of the show: Best of Breed Alpaca and Rex:

I could meet some Russian dogs, too. Here is a puppy, breed: Middle Asian Sheepdog:

The city is simply wonderful. Plenty of palaces, monuments, museums... I especially liked the canals, all surrounded by nice buildings