Thursday, September 25, 2008

Two new flags in my collection! :o)

Thanks to my friends in Romania and Poland, I could add two new countries to my collection! :o)))
Direct link to our international contacts:



Friday, September 19, 2008

New Blog: Cavies for Sale

I started a new blog only for cavies offered for sale in the caviary. Hopefully, I will be able to update it on a daily basis, so you can follow the current situation a bit quicker now.

Its address is: .

(You can find its link constantly here in this blog on the left under "My Links".)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wroclaw: Special Moments

Wroclaw was really great, I could write pages about that. Fortunately, our German friends Sabine and Peer were busy enough to put their photos on their site already. You can see everything here:

I just copy a few photos here, a small selection of some special moments.
Danke Sabine und Peer für die Fotos! :o)

Here we are at the show. Aldona and I change cavies: everybody looks satisfied. :o)

Geckos at the show. I had never thought I would ever say this but these animals are beautiful. They are bred in various attractive colours already

At the restaurant. Lots of good friends, and even more beer... :o)))

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Misty: the "Queen Mum" still going strong :o)

I thought I would write a bit about our big old lady, Misty today. She was born as "January Mist at Brentwood Hotel" on 17. 01. 2002. As a fifth generation Brentwood Hotel, she has lots of ancestors from my first texel litters, including Andersen at Brentwood Hotel, the first ever texel born with me in 1997. Her pedigree includes two of my English imports, Leon and Jill. In an other line, she is the grand-grand-daughter of one of my very first cavies, "Boston". Boston was the main reason why I was breeding silveragouti-particolours. Still, when I look at Misty, I feel very sorry that I had to give up this wonderful colour...
Anyway, through her son Berlusconi at Brentwood Hotel, (who still lives with us, too) Misty lives on in many different lines around Europe. I also have several grand-grandchildren after him.
Long live the Queen! :o)

Photos taken today: over 6,5 and still going strong. Clipped to short, and living in an oldies' group. Our pride, Misty:

Misty at her best, clipped to a comfortable length, Summer 2006:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend in Wroclaw (Poland)

I visited the ZOO-BOTANICA fair in Wroclaw last weekend. It is a trade show, but also some animal shows are organized there. Our friends from the Polish Cavy Club held their show here, too, so it was a must to see. :o)
Lots of things to see, lots of friends to meet...
Also, I had the pleasure to meet Ms. Anneke Wermeulen, the judge from Holland. She is a nice person with a great experience, you can learn lots of thing from her.

I did not took too many photos, but Sabine and Peer did. So, I will put much more here - as soon as they send some to me...

Hala Ludowa, the place of the fair. Built in 1913. (!!!), still one of the biggest halls in Europe:

Bronze sculptures of animals in a court in the historical city (sorry, photo taken at night...). Nice, isn't it?

Douglas is here!

Our new sheltie boar arrived today! After Britain, Sweden and Poland, "Douglas" will stay in Hungary for a while - before returning to his owner to Poland. He was bred by the prestigeous Ivy House caviary (Mr. David Beckham), which has one of the longest established line of shelties in England.
As I was amazed by my first British imports in 2000, I am very pleased to have him here.
Thank you Aldona for him!!!

Ivy House Douglas:

Some of his children in Sweden (Liz Knutsson, Eternity's cavies):

Bye-bye, Babies!

The following three babies arrived in Poland yesterday. They will live with Aldona ("Pompon") and Dorota ("CaviaDoro") from now on. Good luck to them and the new owners!

Tornado at Brentwood Hotel (Cavatinas Stacy - Xtra Piccolino at Brentwood Hotel):

Uri Geller at Brentwood Hotel (Brother Grimm at Brentwood Hotel - Rowena vom Gotenholz):

Suffer Well at Brentwood Hotel (UK Retro at Brentwood Hotel - Telltale at Brentwood Hotel):

Dilutes: an old project re-started!

Diluted colours have always been a part of the Brentwood Hotel team. But I simply can not breed everything at the same time, and tortoiseshell-white has always been my number one favourite... So, it seemed for a while that I had to stop slate blues and lilacs.
But now, with the help of Katalin Kálazi, diluted particolours will go on! Katalin has a nicely selected team of shelties and texels which are (or produce) dilutes (Gulliver, Daniell, Pink Feeling, Perfect Day, and Elina at Brentwood Hotel), and which represent the Brentwood Hotel lines of the past few years.
Also, three new cavies from the famous "von Werne" caviary joined the above team recently. Hopefully, they will make the ideal addition to re-start our line of particolour dilutes.

Goldoni von Werne, the father of Pink Feeling and Perfect Day, also half-brother to Gulliver. Representing the type which we would like to continue:

The below three babies joined the team a few weeks ago. Many thanks to Irene for helping our breeding again!
Kleiner Prinz von Werne:

Mona von Werne:

Mindy von Werne:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A handful of tortoises

I received this photo from Hédi today. The tortoise babies will have their first birthday in a few days! Samu (the dog) is keeping an eye on them of course...