Saturday, February 28, 2009

Try to guess...

I have added a test question, you can find it on the left of the page. A "surprize" cavy will arrive soon. Not a sheltie, not a texel... Then what?!? Try to guess, and you will know the result in a few weeks... :o)

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Pompons at the Hotel

I brought my new tortoiseshell-white shelties home this weekend.
They represent qualities and pedigrees which I just need. :o) They hopefully will grow as promising as they are now as babies.
Their breeder is Aldona Czerniekowska (Poland).

Thank you Aldona for them!

(All babies are just a few weeks old in the photos.)

Stanley Pompon, the boar (MaJa's Treasure to Give - Kira vom Blumenwiese):

Rosalia Pompon (Eternity's Bistro - MaJa's Natte Poes):

Mirella Pompon (litter sister to Rosalia):

Some Robos again...

I had some Roborowski hamsters as a child, and the were great: small, funny, easy to care for and incredibly cute.
I found some of them at the show in Rychnov, and bought a pair again. I was very pleased to find the "whiteface" colour, which I had been able to see only on the internet before.
My new pair consists of a "normal" male and a "whiteface" female now.

This is a normal coloured Roborowski hamster with the usual markings:

This is the whiteface mutation: you can see the white colour dominating the head:

Friday, February 13, 2009

WARNING!: False e-mail address!

I just noticed today that somebody created an e-mail addres for my name. "Freemail" is a free e-mail provider in Hungary, anybody can register and create any address. So, if you receive an e-mail from ,

please delete the message: it is NOT ME!
Thank you.