Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wendina is a Champion!

I received great news today: Wendina at Brentwood Hotel (Emporio Armani at Brentwood Hotel - Wendina vom Hohen Stein) finished her Polish Champion title at the show in Warsaw yesterday!

Many thanks to her owner Dorota for promoting her so professionally!!!

Wendina was a nice baby, but...

...look at her, how she looks nowadays:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Pleasant Surprize!

I noticed a special magazine a few days ago. It is about nature, animals and pets, written for children. Its last issue is about CAVIES! This is the cover:

It was nice to see an article about "Hamlet", a Bretwood Hotel cavy sold as a pet to a little girl more than 4 years ago. Dorina Ruff wrote about Hamlet's life and habits, and also sent some photos to the editors:

I found some baby photos of Hamlet:

Litter "H" in 2005: Hamlet, Hampton and Handyman at Brentwood Hotel (Cézanne von Uplengener Stubsnasen - Impala Young Spirit):

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lejonhjarta's Danny

I have never thought that I would place Peruvian portraits on my blog, but here is one I just have to... I think it explains why I have Peruvians again. :o)
He is Danny, a Swedish import residing at "Impala" (Ioana Cráciun), the father of my "Kiss" (Impala Kiss for a Friend).

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nice Day, Nice Girls...

The sun was shining today, so I took pictures of some of the young girls.

Javanese Poem at Brentwood Hotel "Java"
Tortie-white texel baby, just a few weeks old in the photo..
Her parents: Orestes vom Gotenholz - Perfect Poem at Brentwood Hotel

Lunabakelo Halloween "Hello"
black/tan-red-white sheltie
Breeder: Erika Juhász

Impala Kiss for a Friend "Kiss"
black-cream-white peruvian
Breeder: Ioana Cráciun

Cavy Show in Lodz (Poland)

I spent the last weekend in Lodz. Invited by the Polish Cavy Club, I judged about 120 cavies. The show was organized under the event "Pet Fair", a big trade fair for the pet business. Several clubs were invited to have their shows there: birds, nice and rats were exhibited.

Again, my Polish friends were very friendly, exhibitors very enthusiastic.
I was fascinated by the high quality of the longhair breeds - as usual in Poland, but I could see some very nice shorthairs this time, too.

Congratulations to the organizers, the winners, and a big thanks to the club for this invitation and the hospitality!

The entrance of the show:

A look down from the first floor where the animal shows took place. You can see the great number of commercial stands:

The cavy show. Lots of interested people came up to chat with the exhibitors:

Just some impressions on the quality of the exhibits (more details will follow on my site soon):

I had a whole day after the show in Warsaw to look around. This beautiful city has lots of different faces, some old, some futuristic. A few views for you: